Another one of my interests is science and math. Out of all the subjects science and math are by far, my favourites and have always been.
When people hear that one of my favourite subjects is math and that I have been trying and working very hard to challenge myself and improve my math the immediate reaction may be confusion.Though it sounds weird, I love the challenge of math and am not a fan of English and Social Studies. One may say that I am not the most creative person and would mainly be a person whom thinks more logically. I like the way math makes you think critically and look at problems differently. Another fact about me is that I did a mental math Arithmatic and Abacus program when I was 7 and graduated 5 years later, when I was 12 and began volunteering as a teachers assistant since then. I hope to advance to a high lvel of math by the time I graduate highschool.
Science is something I have been extremely passionate about since the early age of 5. I knew that I wanted to go in to medicine by the time I was 5, by the time I was 7 I thought I wanted to go into pediatrics, but at the moment orthopedics has been the biggst intrest of me. Obviously, I know these goals are very ambitious but I believe in myself to be able to complete them. My family has also been aware of my interest in human anatomy and have bought me gifts such as a human anatomy doll and suture kit, which I used to teach myself how to suture using the internet, that I am extremely thankful for. I have participated in regional science compitions and hope to continue. Overall, I hope to keep improving and bettering myself for university.